Sunday, November 13, 2011

Halloween Festivies

Halloween Night after Trick or Treating. Ellie is Barbie Princess Charm

School, Haliee is a Princess Fairly and Kason is a Monkey. They had a blast trick or treating.

The girls love that they can wear make-up for Halloween.

Ready for fun

Kason, Hailee, and I went to see Ellie at school while she parades around the school in her costume.

Our Pumpkins!

Derek cutting out a stencil for his pumpkin.

Kason while we were carving out pumpkins.

My pumpkin!

Kason's Pumpkin!

Ellie's pumpkin!

Hailee's pumpkin!

This year we decided to paint our pumpkins instead of the mess of carving them. So I went to Hobby Lobby and got some kids craft paint and we painted away. Well it lasted until after Halloween and then the rain washed the paint off of the pumpkins. But that is okay because they are still good for Thanksgiving.

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