Sunday, December 25, 2011


Kason crawling through all the christmas loot.
Hailee excited about what she got.
Derek and his quilt! Derek's mother past away 3 years ago and while they were cleaning out some stuff of hers I wanted some her shirts. So I made him a quilt out of a few of her shirts for him so he can remember her while snuggling up getting warm.
Kason with the pancake pen.
Hailee and her remote control pony car.
Ellie and her new hat.
Hailee and her new hat.
This is what Santa brought to our house!
Kason loves his boy toys.
The girls in there Christmas pajamas.
Hailee and her slippers!
This year for Christmas we had a lot of fun. The girls got a big Barbie house from Santa. Derek and I got a iPad. We decided to go in on a together gift. The girls also got some cute animal hats, games, little pony remote control car, clothes, and pillow beds. Kason received boy toys, clothes, and a blanket. Derek received clothes, movies, and a blanket that I made from his mom's tee shirts. He loves it and it reminds him of her and the iPad of course. I received a new electric griddle, pancake pen, calendar, slippers, and the iPad too. The girls only got to see what was in there stockings before we had to get ready for church today but it was a great day.

Kason 8 Months Old

Kason is 8 months old now and is very busy. He has started to crawl. He claps his hands. He loves to hold every toy above his head. It is so cute! He has started to pull his himself up to standing even. I can't believe how much he is growing. He is loving boy toys too. We love having him in our family.

Santa Claus

While were in St George for Thanksgiving we went to Santa's Workshop and Santa was there so of course the girls wanted there pictures taken with him.

Target Funny!

While we were at Target the girls saw these silly headbands and they wanted there picture taken with them on.

Live Nativity

A few weeks ago we went to a live Nativity that is here in Alpine. It was a lot of fun. The feeling there was really special. Especially when you go into the stable to see Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus. It was a real baby too. The girls were really excited to see the baby Jesus. Then they give you hot chocolate after too. There was even real animals. Ellie really like the camels, donkey, and the sheep. We will defiantly be going next year too.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dance Recital

The girls dance recital was really fun this year because both of the girls got to participate. The dance recital theme this year was when I grow up. Ellie danced to the song Magic by BOB and there class was when they grow up they want to go to Hogwarts. Hailee's class danced to Great Balls of Fire and her class was when they grow up they want to be fire fighters. The girls loved that they could wear make-up and actually get to wear mascara.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Church Pictures

Last week before Church the kids were ready early because of day light savings and they looked so cute I just had to take a picture of them.

Kason 7 Months

Hailee took these first three pictures of Kason. She loves to take pictures of him.

Kason is now 7 months old and he has just started to want to eat food. Which is great! He also has started to pull his self to toys on the ground. Some of the pictures above are of him eating a Oreo. I was eating one and he grabbed it out of my hand and I thought I would see what he would do with it. Well it went right into the mouth and he sucked on it until it was gone. He loved it! I love his smile. He loves to smile at anyone who will look at him and we love to tickle him so he will laugh. I always get asked if I see any differences in my girls verses my boy and there sure is. With my girls there SO much drama, crying, they require alot more stuff, and they are very active. (Especially the brunette!) Kason is so laid back, happy, tuff, and will play on the floor alot longer than the girls. I think he is tuff so he can take all of Hailee's kisses and roughness. We love having him around.

First Snow!!!

The first snow of the season and the girls wanted to go out and play in it. I was downstairs trying to find all of there snow clothes so they could play while it lasted.

Hailee's Dance Class

Hailee was finally old enough to take dance this year and she gets so excited to go every week. Well the teacher has parents day where we can go inside the class and take pictures and video. Here is some pictures of Hailee dancing and I videoed most of the class. She loves it and has the biggest smile on her face every time she walks into class.

Halloween Festivies

Halloween Night after Trick or Treating. Ellie is Barbie Princess Charm

School, Haliee is a Princess Fairly and Kason is a Monkey. They had a blast trick or treating.

The girls love that they can wear make-up for Halloween.

Ready for fun

Kason, Hailee, and I went to see Ellie at school while she parades around the school in her costume.

Our Pumpkins!

Derek cutting out a stencil for his pumpkin.

Kason while we were carving out pumpkins.

My pumpkin!

Kason's Pumpkin!

Ellie's pumpkin!

Hailee's pumpkin!

This year we decided to paint our pumpkins instead of the mess of carving them. So I went to Hobby Lobby and got some kids craft paint and we painted away. Well it lasted until after Halloween and then the rain washed the paint off of the pumpkins. But that is okay because they are still good for Thanksgiving.