Sunday, October 23, 2011

Downeast and Hailee

So I just had to post this so when Hailee is older and she reads this she will think this is funny.
I was at Downeast shopping and I found a shirt I wanted to try on so we went into the dressing room and when we came out I was just wondering around to see if there was anything else that was cute and I could not find Hailee. She likes to hide under clothing racks so I started to look under those and was calling her name. Well she did not answer. So I was walking all over the store and finally calling her name by the dressing rooms. Finally she answered and I thought she had just crawled under the dressing room and was playing. But when I convinced her to open the dressing room door. She had grabbed a shirt from off of the tables and was trying it on. She told me it was too big for her when she came out. She is so cute.

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