Monday, May 17, 2010

Ellie's Dance Recital and Preschool Graduation

Ellie with her cap on for graduating from Preschool. She wouldn't let me take a picture that night with her dress on so this is what I get. Oh well it is still cute.

Ellie getting her scrapbook of things they did through out the year. It is so cute too. The teacher did a great job on it and did one for every kid that was in her classes. It has her handwriting from the first of the year to the end of the year and her height and weight from the first of the year to the end of the school year. I was really impressed and pictures of all the holidays and art projects they did too.

This is the when they were singing some of the rhymes and songs they learned through the school year.

Ellie at her dance recital. They danced to the song Hot, Hot, Hot from the little mermaid.
She did a great job and has so much fun in dance class.

Ellie is the second in on the far right side
on the front row.

This is how exciting Hailee thought the dance recital was.

Ellie was so excited to wear make-up for the dance recital. I even let her wear mascara for the first time. She didn't like it when I put it on, but she sure liked how she looked with it on.

Ellie got ahold of the camera in the car!

She even took a picture of Hailee too!

I love her face in this one.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

What a cute scrapbook, and the graduation looked fun! I love the pictures of her in her Ariel outfit for the dance recital, very very cute:)