Friday, February 26, 2010

My Birthday and Valentines Day

The way they look is the way we all felt like on Valentines Day. All of us were coughing and blowing our noses.
I put the hearts all over Ellie's door the night before Valentine's Day so she would be surprised when she woke up the next morning and see her door. She was surprised and knew it was Valentine's Day.

This is what we all got for Valentine's Day. Ellie a bingo, matching card game, and a puzzle. Hailee got the little animals on wheels. Derek the Wii fit Plus Game and the candy bar bouquet. I got some perfume from Victoria Secret that smells really good.

This is my birthday and since it was the day before Valentines Day we were sick. But Derek still made me a chocolate cake that was very yummy. I went and pick up take out at the Texas Roadhouse for dinner and it was very yummy too. But Derek and the girls got me a ring that has my name engraved in it. I can't wait to get it.


Amie said...

Happy Birthday! The ring sounds so cool. You'll have to show it off when you get it. Hope you're all feeling better now. :)

Brittney said...

I am so sorry that you all have been sick. It was nice to visit with you yesterday, and I am glad that you got some fun stuff for your birthday & Valentines!