Monday, December 8, 2008

Funny Pictures of Ellie and Hailee

I was back in my bedroom nursing Hailee and I came out to the kitchen and Ellie had climbed on the counter and had gotten the Nesquik out if the cubored and was eating it with a spoon out of the Nesquik container. I had to get and picture because of the Nesquik on her chin.

Here is Hailee sucking on the tag on the back of the head rest of the swing.


Shalisa Hazleton said...

At least is wasn't something too terrible. And she is a chocolate lover. I don't blame her for getting into it.

Adrienne said...

Those are hilarious! Dry Nestle Quick -- that is too much! And Hailee propping herself up to get to the tag, those are great pictures!

Brittney said...

I did not even know that you had a blog!! After how many months of VTing?? We never talked about that!? Funny!! I love the chocolate all over her face, that is a girl after my own heart! I added you to my blogroll, hope that is okay! Merry Christmas!