Thursday, October 30, 2008

It snowed in my Basment already!

On monday Ellie went down stairs to play and like normal. Well when she came upstairs she was covered in flour and at first I couldn't figure out what she had all over her. So we went downstairs and I about died. There was all this flour all over the floor and ping pong table. I had to get a picture. It was so hard not to get mad at her. But what do you do? Click on the picture to make it bigger and you can really see all the flour.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ellie and Hailee in Farmcreek

These pictures are of Ellie and Hailee when we were out in Farmkcreek a couple of weeks ago and Ellie loves her picture to be taken. I was actually trying to video Hailee trying to talk to me but Ellie had other plans.

Hailee's Blessing

Hailee's blessing day was a success thanks to everyone who helped and brought food. It was nice to have the support and see family.

I think Hailee looked really cute. Here are some of the pictures from that day.