Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hailee's 2nd Birthday

This year for Hailee's 2nd Birthday she didn't get to open presents until that night. We waited until Derek got home from work which was fine with her because she doesn't really understand yet what birthday means. So she got a doctor set and a princess set, a bike, a toy shopping cart, and a scooter so she could be like her sister. She is very independent and trys to do everything her sister does. She dresses and undresses herself aleast 4 times a day but it is good that she can dress herself and she doesn't match half the time but that is okay too. She weights 23 lbs and is 34 inches tall. Which she is a inch taller and 6 pounds lighter than Ellie was at this age. She has this thing with her swim suit lately. She always wants to be in her swim suit. So if you see her outside and that is all she is wearing you will know why now. We love you Hailee and are glad that you are apart of our family.