Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can't Wait Until April!

Derek and I are very very excited to announce that come April we will be seeing alot more blue around the house than pink for a change. That's right we are having a boy! We found out yesterday afternoon at the untrasound. Both Derek and I were shocked. We really didn't know what to expect but everything looks good and healthy so we will take it. Now what to do with a boy we are so use to girls around here. I guess we will figure that out when the time comes.


Brittney said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!! Why did you not tell me you were pregnant?! Congrats! I love you Brit and little boys are so much fun!

Chad and Gwen said...

YaY! Congradulations. Boys are fun and so much easier going, at least in our household.

Shay said...

I don't know how I missed this post! Sorry I didn't say something earlier, Congrats! Boys are fun and trouble. You will love it.